Happy New Year Moms!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season!   In our house, we’ve been relishing the slow-ness that January and a couple of snow storms can bring.  As a result, we’ve been doing a lot more reading than usual. Lately, one of my son’s favorites is I Can Handle It! by Laurie Wright.  It’s part of great series which teaches kids resilience and emotional intelligence using common scenarios in which the child in the story evaluates different responses and ultimately repeats a mantra like, “I Can Handle It!” , ” I Will Try”, or “I Am Ok!”.  While I love the independence and resourcefulness that these concepts cultivate, I am also trying to teach him that sometimes you do need help and it’s ok to ask for what you need, even if it’s just a hug.   Anyway, kids seem to be much better at asking for help than adults don’t they?   As mothers we can find ourselves trying to take care of everything and everyone and refusing any support like it’s a badge of honor to do everything alone.   I do this myself, not accepting generous offers of childcare or “If you ever need anything just ask…”  when in reality, motherhood is the hardest thing I’ve ever done.  I can handle it, of course, but it might be a healthier choice to accept that sometimes I need help, as everyone does.  

 I heard an expression recently, “You can’t ever make toast bread again.” and well…YES! Or that is to say, no, you can’t make toast bread again and neither can you un-frazzle yourself very easily once you’ve burned yourself out.  That’s why recently, when out of the blue, a fellow MSMAC mom asked , ” Hey, can I bring you dinner one night this week?”    I said, “Wow! Thank you! ” and I accepted.  It’s amazing how just one simple thing, when taken off my to do list by a simple act of kindness or support from someone else, became exactly the recharge I needed.   That’s a pretty powerful meal.   

What about you? 
The MSMAC board would like to check in with all of you. How are you doing?   Do you or someone in the community you know need any extra support?   In light of the encroaching frigid temperatures, do you need any help staying warm this winter?  In years past, we have provided support to moms in need in the form of space heaters, blankets, coats, food, etc.    We have also set up meal trains for 1-2 weeks for moms going through a tough time such as after a birth, a surgery, or a loss of a spouse or child.   Are you or anyone you know going through a tough time?   By emailing board.msmac@gmail.com you may remain anonymous if you wish and assistance may also be provided discreetly to the giftee if that is a concern.  For example, we wouldn’t send out an email to the group about a meal train or to solicit extra help from members unless that was approved by the giftee.   We are Moms Supporting Moms of Adams County and hope all of you are able to ask for, and receive the extra support you need, as you are taking care of all the children, who not only, made us mothers, but need us to be there for them,    You are not alone!


Morgan S. MSMAC President
