Hi Moms!

It’s been an awesome summer so far for MSMAC. There have been so many fun, creative member hosted events, and we’ve welcomed many new families into our group. This month alone we’ve had pool days, a trivia night, walking group, a fire station tour, and more. It brings me such joy to see how many different opportunities to connect we have, but there is always room for more! If you have a hobby or an interest that you don’t see shared in any of our group events yet, we’d love you to host one of your own.

This coming Sunday, August 4th, from 4PM-6PM is our Popsicles on the Playground event at the Gettysburg Rec Park. This event is open to everyone; it is a great opportunity for members to catch up with each other before the school year begins, and it is a wonderful recruitment tool for MSMAC. If you have anyone in your life that might be interested in getting more involved in the community and building their network of mom-friends, please invite them! 

This Thursday will be our first regular monthly board meeting of the fiscal year. Board meetings are held the first Thursday of each month, 9:30 A.M. in the nursery of the Gettysburg Presbyterian Church. All members and their children are welcome to attend. If you cannot make the meeting, but have thoughts you would like to share with the board, please send them to this email address no later than Wednesday evening.
Amanda M
President, Moms Supporting Moms of Adams County
