Dear Moms, 

Summer is officially here, and MSMAC families have been busy taking advantage of long days and warm weather. It’s been an incredible month for MSMAC events; we’ve tumbled and tie-dyed together, had park and playground playdates, and had adults-only time for dinner, drinks, and book discussions. Thank you to all of our members who hosted events this month! The creativity and enthusiasm of our members never ceases to amaze me.

The new MSMAC board met officially for the first time earlier this month to plan out events for the summer and set our budget for the year. Thanks in part to our growing membership numbers, we were able to allocate more funds this year to support MSMAC events, including money set aside to help support event coordinators who want to host something that goes above and beyond their normal monthly events.  We also set a date of August 4th, 4PM-6PM for our annual Popsicles on the Playground event at the Gettysburg Rec Park.  A shareable Facebook event will be posted soon, so make sure to invite your friends!

There is lots more to look forward to this summer with MSMAC, and I hope to see you at one of our events soon. Please remember, there will be no Board Meeting in July. The next Board meeting will be Thursday, August 1st, 9:30 A.M. at the Presbyterian Church in Gettysburg.

Happy Summer!
Amanda M
President, Moms Supporting Moms of Adams County
