We are thankful for you!

Happy Holiday Season, MSMAC families! Like many of you, I spent the week travelling to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Having the opportunity to spend that time together with family and friends made me even more grateful for the MSMAC community we’ve built here. Many of our members do not have family living close by, and a lot of us felt disconnected from the community and isolated by the demands of motherhood before finding this group. MSMAC serves such an important role in giving so many of us a family away from family, and helping to make Adams County feel more like home. The events you plan, the dinners you make, and the advice you give to one another makes our group something I am truly thankful for. 

A special thank you to everyone who participated in our recent Panera and Moms’ Night Out fundraisers, and those of you who volunteered to provide gifts to a family for our holiday gift drive with SCAAP. Have an idea for a future fundraiser, or want to suggest a local organization for a volunteer day? Let us know! 
