Happy March! I was so excited Monday & Tuesday to see the sun and have warm weather! William & I got out for a walk – I hadn’t realized how long it had been since we’d been for a more than 10 minute walk until I discovered that in the time since we last walked, an entire new house had been built on a lot I didn’t even know was for sale over on the other side of our subdivision!! And now this evening, the feeling of gloom crept back in as the kids danced around like nuts in the snowflakes on the porch in the dark. I’m counting on all of our fabulous MSMAC play dates this month to keep me sane with the changing of the seasons until spring is here to stay – the pressure in ON for hosting! We’re off to a great start – I’m looking forward to recipe swap, a pizza dinner, craft play date, walking, card swap, bouncing, library story times, and whatever else may come up. I hope to see most of you out & about this month!

Katie L.