Hello Ladies of MSMAC!

Since there are a few days left in August, this isn’t officially late yet, is it? 🙂 As summer is winding down, I’ve really enjoyed meeting some new moms as well as hanging with some older kiddos that are heading back to school already! I hope all of you sending your sweet ones back to school have a smooth and easy transition.
With Fall on the horizon, I am looking forward to the crisper weather and the pumpkin patch festivities around town.  Don’t forget to share information on any fun festivals or fairs that you come across with us – there are many moms new to the area, as well as moms new to parenthood!
We have events that need a new monthly coordinator.  If you are looking to get more involved, want to meet new moms, and/or looking for a way to get your minimum of 2 event hostings – consider being a coordinator!  If you are interested, let me know! We are looking for someone to host:
-Tot Explorers – Plan a fun “field trip” for tots and moms to a local attraction
-3+ Play Date – Host a play date for some of the older kiddos
-1/2 Monthly Pot Luck – Host a yummy potluck every other month
That’s all for now, Ladies! As always, have a wonderful week! Snuggle those babies tight and take care of yourselves!
-Sara H =)