Hi beautiful ladies of MSMAC!
Since I know some, but not ALL of you yet – allow me to introduce myself! I’m Sara and I am the new president of the MSMAC board.  I am looking forward to getting more involved with the group and attending many more activities! I want to thank Katie L. for encouraging me to tackle this job, answering all my questions, and keeping everything so organized and paving the way for me slide right in and keep her positive momentum going.  I’ve enjoyed getting to know the other board ladies too, and I am grateful for their support as I figure out what I am doing!
So I wanted to share a little about me: I grew up in Southern California and went to college at Penn State.  After college, I became an elementary teacher in Northern Virginia.  One fateful (and somewhat blurry) Labor Day, I met my husband at the Hanover Chili Cook-Off.  After 2 years, we closed the gap and moved to Biglerville.  I continued teaching 1st grade here in Gettysburg.  We got married in June 2013 in my parents’ backyard in California.  Last April, my son was born! It was a heck of a labor, but that’s a story for another day! I left my job as a teacher to stay home with my baby bear cub.  He is now 13 months, running everywhere, and getting into EVERYTHING!
One day last year, I was home with my 4 month old and playing around on the internet when I stumbled across the MSMAC webpage.  I was still trying to figure out how to deal with my transition from teaching – a job I knew well and could do well – to being a mom – where I felt clueless and unsure and guilty and lonely.  That SAME day, my cousin, Angela C. asked me if I wanted to join her at an upcoming event for her mom’s group…MSMAC! I tagged along and everyone was so warm and welcoming.  I knew that this is something I could get on board with! It is the perfect mixture of motherhood support, adult conversations, kid socialization, crafty events, and even chances to get out on the town sans kids.
I feel very lucky to be a part of this sisterhood and I hope to get to know each of you better over the next few months.  I’ve loved seeing some new faces at my house for Wednesday Pool Days and I look forward to seeing some new and familiar faces at the Ice Cream Social next Thursday, June 9 at Rec Park. Happy Summer and Stay Cool!!
Sara H. =)